Author: Jacob Bullard
This year was the first time Nor'easter Gaming or I have attended CaptainCon, but it will absolutely not be the last! With a cadre of extremely friendly staff the event was a breeze to get into and enjoy. There were plenty of booths with lovely trinkets, games, and more from local shops and creators; one even had a robot! Aside from what the venue offers there is a galleon size room worth of playspace for any game that requires a tabletop. Yet the real prize of CaptainCon had to be a sea of demo games that you can learn and play alongside their makers!
The Old Dominion seemed to take the show, with their demo booth having the most visitors by far, and for good reason. The Warhammer Fantasy styled tabletop game had a very high production quality and gave many players exactly what they were looking for.
Another standout to me was a two player game called “OGRE”, one side defends their base with a variety of troops and vehicles while the other plays a single warmachine deemed “OGRE”, quick to learn with a lot of potential. Other awesome demos that caught my eye were Null Signal Games with their revived card game “Netrunner”, a warhammer-like tabletop game called “Downsync”, and a tactical sci-fi game called “Breachstorm”. My personal favorite booth this year was “Fae” a dungeons and dragons-esque roleplaying game where you play the monsters in a world created by Jay Mooers Studio. At the booth he also had an outstanding puppet that looks like it could be on the set of The Dark Crystal! The style is akin to TDC and Labyrinth, two favorite series of mine. If none of that suits your fancy or fancies your suit, then there was also a cosplay contest for all the pirates, ghosts, and knights who say “ni!”; also there was a miniature painting contest with dozens of stunning entrees! Alongside that on Sunday there was a raffle and competitive tabletop play for prizes. With plenty to do, see, and play, CaptainCon is definitely worth checking out when it comes into town.