Author: Mandy Tracey
Gwent, The Witcher Card Game is a standalone adaptation of the minigame of the same name from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and has been improved dramatically. If you’ve never played Gwent before, you are in for a real treat!
In Wild Hunt, Gwent is a popular card game amongst humans and non-humans alike. There are friendly competitions to high risk tourneys and gambling. It is a game of risk, the highest score wins. Each card has a number to add up which is similar to the card game 21. There are five decks total to collect. Monsters has 38 total cards, Nilfgaardian Empire has 38, Northern Realms has 30, Scoia'tael has 28, and Skellige has 30. There are also 23 neutral cards that can be used in any of the five decks. To complete the collection of all the decks it is a lengthy process with obstacles and quests for the card game, but it’s so fun to do, you’ll be done before you know it. Most cards are sold by innkeepers and merchants while others are obtained by completing quests. The highest score wins. You can challenge multiple characters to a game of Gwent.
To play, there are up to three rounds. You are given 10 cards and you lay down one card each round to the designated row on the board, the cards will have symbols matching the symbol on the board. Some cards have abilities that will lower the number on the cards and lowering your score. You can also choose to pass your turn. Once the two red jewels are broken on either your opponent’s side or yours, the game is over.
Gwent The Witcher Card game takes things much further. It is the same basic rules as Gwent in Wild Hunt, but more stunning.
There is more to the game than just having a high score and winning some coin, they vamped it up by giving the cards more special abilities along with witcher potions for that extra boost, and of course including even more cards to collect.
In this game, you can collect “kegs” (which serve as treasure chests, or lootboxes) to open at Shupe’s Shop which contain materials for crafting more cards and collecting cards. Here you can also buy more materials, merchandise, and more. The rock troll, Shupe, has quite a lot for sale.
There will be characters’ journeys to unlock as you play PVP or against AI characters along with many contracts to complete with your Gwent decks. The game also allows you to choose a leader, gameboard, deck, the toss coin style, card deck backing, and skins for the leader. There is also a daily reward each day you log in.There are many, many things to unlock for your Gwent collection. Soon, your decks will feel like your own, custom-crafted part of yourself as a Gwent player!
The artwork, music, stories, game effects and characters are beautiful and grim, much like The Witcher series itself, few developers would put this much time into a simple side game. CD Projekt Red went above and beyond. I applaud the work that the developers put into this game. If you played Gwent on The Witcher III: Wild Hunt and liked it or found it wasn’t your cup of tea, or even if you haven’t played Gwent before- I strongly recommend you try this improved Gwent game. The game is age restricted and parents should be aware it is recommended only for players ages 16 and up, so use your best judgement, and most importantly, have fun!