The outer worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition
~ Author: Editor ‘Ed’
Deep in the womb of space lies Halcyon; a shining beacon of hope in a dreary ocean of unknown stars. A cluster of planets free of government restrictions, safety organizations, regulatory groups and public schools. Board the Colony Ship 'Hope' and journey in hypersleep for ten years, from your home planet of Earth to the first Solar System that is privately owned! Take in the majesty and serenity of Terra-2, Monarch, The Groundbreaker Colony Ship and more!
(Halcyon's Board of directors (The Board) are not responsible for maims, murders, drug-abuse, starvation, sickness, death, dismemberment, loss of property, loss of sanity, loss of feeling in the extremities due to travel to/within Halcyon)
If that all didn't scare you off, Hello-! I am the wonderful Editor for this website, but you may call me "Ed". Now, "Ed?" You might ask; 'Yes dear viewer?' I would respond. "That all sounds spectacularly dangerous, why would I go to Halcyon at all?" Well allow me to further convince you.
The Outer Worlds is, simply put, Obsidian's attempt at Fallout, without Fallout. This is an Atompunk, sci-fi, spacefaring adventure through Halcyon, a solar system owned by several corporations who, like many who have power, abuse those under them for their own financial gain. Taking advantage of the working masses and feeding them Saltuna in a can, the elite members of this society are unnerved one day by the actions of one Phineas Welles- a Scientist/madman who breaks into the Hope and (rather conveniently) Frees our intrepid hero (you) from cryosleep aboard the Hope.
Once free from this icy prison you are rather rudely deposited onto Terra-2, right outside of a town called Edgewater in Emerald Vale, and right on top of a spaceship captain you were supposed to meet to get a ride off planet. Well...since he's dead he doesn't need his ship anymore does he? A few questlines, a quick repair later and you can launch off on your own, Fallout/Elder Scrolls style adventure across the system, to defeat the Board, help Phineas save the rest of the Hope's Colonists, or, if you are so inclined, Help the Board to quell these rebellious insects and claim a piece of the pie for yourself. The choice is yours in this remastered and updated version of The Outer Worlds, Both major DLC entries are included, as well as upgraded graphics, remodeled areas, updated quests and rewards, a higher level cap and more!
A shot of the Groundbreaker, one of the many locations in game.
Now of course that's just the advertising pitch- you want the skinny, the human details, I imagine. Well, as I said, this will feel VERY familiar to those who played Fallout, you're in first person, a stranger to all you meet, making choices about other people's lives, livelihoods and property as you gallivant your way through enemy after enemy, keeping your health bar up and draining theirs down in hopes of finding new, awesome loot that you can use to go find more new, awesome loot!
It's a winning combination of fun and intrigue as you explore new locales, find new enemies, take new weapons and armors for yourself, but with Obsidian's stellar writers, legendary storylines and interesting, deep characters, (Except SAM, but, well, you'll understand when you meet him) it becomes an adventure to remember!
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice edition gets an 8/10 from me, and my recommendation that you purchase it at a price you feel comfortable with. If you already own the base game and DLC, the Spacer's Choice upgrade is a mere $9.99 US. I didn't own the DLC myself, but I found it on sale on steam for $28 US, to get the Spacer's Choice upgrade and both DLCs, 35 hours later I had done a full playthrough, including both DLC chapters, and I don't regret a moment.
Until next time, this is Ed, Captain of the Unreliable, Signing off!